Wednesday, 1 May 2019

End of the Year Field Trip

Elmvale Zoo & Wasaga Sports Park
Thursday, June 6th

The Nottawa Kindergarten classes will be arriving at Elmvale Zoo approx 9:45 am. We will tour the zoo in organized groups with parent volunteers as leaders.  We will leave the zoo at 12:00 and make our way to the Wasaga Sports Park. Here we will have lunch and play!  Permission forms will come home in the next couple of weeks and it is here that you can sign up to be a volunteer (IF you have your criminal record check up to date). IF you pay through our school cash online by the due date, you will receive a special entry rate into the zoo. Looking forward to celebrating our school year together. Permission Forms come home on May 2 and Cash online goes live on that day!

May Character Assembly

Respect is a way of treating or thinking about someone or something.  If you respect someone, you admire that person and treat them well.  These 2 students are respectful of their friends.  Benner and Grace will receive character awards on Thursday, May 30th. The RESPECT assembly will begin at 9:15 am.  Please wear your Beachwear!

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Reading Math